Myba Charter Agreement 2019

As the yachting season for 2019 kicks off, many yacht enthusiasts will be looking to secure a luxury yachting experience. One of the most popular ways to charter a yacht is through a MYBA (Mediterranean Yacht Brokers Association) charter agreement. This agreement sets the standard for yacht charters in the Mediterranean and is recognized worldwide.

The MYBA charter agreement establishes the terms and conditions for the charterer`s use of the yacht, including the payment terms, itinerary, and other important details. It is a comprehensive document that ensures both parties are protected and understand the expectations of the yacht charter.

The 2019 MYBA charter agreement includes several important updates and changes. One of the most significant is the inclusion of a new VAT clause. The clause clarifies the applicable VAT rate and how it should be calculated for the charter, ensuring that both parties are aware of their VAT obligations.

Another notable update to the 2019 MYBA charter agreement is the addition of a sustainability clause. This clause encourages charterers and their guests to be mindful of their environmental impact and to take steps to reduce it. It suggests ways in which charterers can minimize their carbon footprint while enjoying their yachting experience.

Furthermore, the 2019 MYBA charter agreement also includes new provisions that address the use of drones, smoking, and pets on board the yacht. These provisions ensure that the yacht owner`s property and the safety and comfort of the guests are not compromised.

In conclusion, the MYBA charter agreement is an essential document that sets the standard for luxury yacht charters in the Mediterranean and beyond. The 2019 MYBA charter agreement includes several important updates and changes that clarify the agreement and further protect both parties. As the yachting season kicks off, it is important to ensure that any yacht charter agreement is fully compliant with MYBA standards, including the 2019 MYBA charter agreement.

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